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Elevating Your Golf Experience: The South Course Re-grassing Project

If you visited the South Course in May 2024, you may have noticed a significant transformation underway—the start of a re-grassing project aimed at rejuvenating the course. While the sight of dead grass might raise a few eyebrows, it's crucial to grasp the profound significance and long-term benefits of this initiative.
First and foremost, let's address the elephant on the course – the dead grass. It's a sight that may initially cause concern, but rest assured, it's a necessary step towards enhancing the quality and sustainability of our playing grounds.

Re-grassing is a process where existing vegetation is killed off and replaced with new grass. The main goal of the renovation is to eliminate the older, outdated variety of turf and any noxious weeds. This includes eliminating the old 419 rough grass, Celebration Bermuda and Torpedo, Tropical Signal, and Goose grass. This clears the way for propagating Bimini Bermudagrass.

Bimini Bermudagrass is an improved hybrid Bermuda that forms a fine textured, dense turf with a beautiful dark green color and upright leaf growth. Its dense, rapidly spreading growth habit and quick injury recovery make Bimini one of the most durable turfs available.

Re-grassing the golf course involves several key steps for success:
  1. Apply Herbicide: Broadcast spraying to apply herbicide to healthy turf at the right height to maximize coverage and efficacy.
  2. Fertilize Existing Turf: Fertilize existing turf a week or two before herbicide application to promote rapid growth and enhance herbicide uptake.
  3. Re-apply Herbicide two more times.
  4. Commence Cultivation: Use our own in-house verticutters and aerifiers to scratch up surfaces. Proper cultivation is crucial for good sprig-to-soil contact.
  5. Sod any areas before planting sprigs: This includes bunker faces, collars, and steep lake banks.
  6. Apply Starter Fertilizer: Apply traditional starter fertilizer known as “pre-plant.” This provides nutrients through the intense watering process.
  7. Planting Bimini Sprigs: A contract company with special equipment slices in the sprigs and then rolls the surface.
  8. Irrigate Regularly: Irrigate lightly and frequently during daylight hours. It may look like a lake out there, but the immature sprigs need this type of irrigation for about two weeks.
So, why is re-grassing so crucial? Allow us to shed some light on the matter.

Re-grassing offers a unique opportunity to adjust and realign fairways, significantly enhancing both aesthetics and playability. Our primary goal is to elevate the overall playability of the South Course. By introducing new, resilient grass varieties, we aim to create smoother, more consistent playing surfaces that will take your golfing experience to new heights.

Although the South Course may not look its best now, rest assured that with our hard-working Golf Course Maintenance Team's proper execution, it will be back better than ever, with improved playability and aesthetics. Eric Ruha, Our Director of Agronomy, says, “My team is excited to take on this challenge and provide the Members with a great product this upcoming Season. The support from the Board of Directors, and the planning and coordination with our GM and Assistant GM has been smooth. Networking with local peer Clubs for best practices has been helpful as well. Bring on the Bimini!”
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